Friday, August 31, 2007

Animal Pals

I made this card to enter into the State Fair Rubber Stamping Category Non Occasion. I think it came out brilliantly. I used the faux batik technique with the Tropical Blossoms for the background and then used my Rubber Soul stamps for the main images. I used old olive and taken with teal for sponging the background and the animals. The button is from FooFaLa.


  1. Misty, It looks like a blue ribbon winner to me! Good luck! Deb

  2. You did such a good job {like I even need to say it...but it's always nice to recieve compliments, right?}. I know the judges will love your work! When are you going to the fair anyways. If you go before me, let me know the results! love ya

  3. What a great card, love that bow and the colors you used. Good luck.

  4. What a fantastic card! Good luck!!

  5. Misty!! I love the whole concept of this card. I really want yo to win a prize for this one. Too bad I'm not one of the judges...

  6. WOW, I love this!!! That faux batik background is incredible! :)

  7. Oh how darling! Love it! Good luck! I love your background. I for some reason never had any luck with that set...looks awesome!
