Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Happy Mother's Day my sweet MIL!

Go visit http://wooddeboraha.blogspot.com/ for some hints at great blog candy. Kitty's Krafty Blog and such

I LOVE my Mother In Law! Now, how many people can say that? She is truly amazing. Mother of eight children and such and inspiration to me. I really wanted to do something in purple for her, she loves it. I really DON'T like purple for some reason. I have a hard time working with it and sometimes I hate what I create with it...but I'm diggin' this card. It's pretty straightforward. Sentiment is from CTMH. Hope she likes it. I also made this plaque for her. It's faux tile. You make it from MDF wood, route out the lines, glue a picture on it and then pour really thick enamel on it. So pretty.


  1. That card is really pretty and that tile WOW!! How gorgeous - I am sure she will love these Misty!

    I love my MIL too - lucky us, huh?!


  2. I was wowed by the card then I saw that tile! Amazing work.

  3. I know what you mean about purple. I hardly ever use it, though I don't really hate it either. Like how it turned out.

  4. what a pretty mother's day card!!

  5. Very pretty card and a wonderful photo!!! That tile is amazing!!

    I left you an award on my blog, please come claim it when you get a chance!

  6. Awesome job!!! I love the colors. BTW - did you happen to get any happy mail?

  7. I have to admit that I love mine too, great card!

  8. Oh wow! What a coincidence!! I LOVE my MIL too and she's the wonderful mom of 8 children too!!! Your card is so special for her and that plaque is absolutely gorgeous!!

  9. I LOVE my MIL too! And she loves purple as well, which I DON'T, so I struggle to craft for her sometimes too! Love your tile!

  10. Wow,MIL will enjoy this gift I'm sure!!! Your card is very pretty as well!!

  11. Popped over to say Hi! Love your cards...your MIL is going to love hers for sure. The stitching is a really great touch.
    Keep well.
