Friday, May 14, 2010

It's overcast today... and I need zucchini

So what should I be up my back room....what AM I doing...having fun with the boys and taking picutures of their cuteness. Jonah was being such a ham.
This is him saying "cheeeeeeeeese".
I can't believe I actually caught this expression on camera. He had his hands at hips and everything. Look at that little eyebrow. If this doesn't make you smile or even giggle a litttle...havin' a much better day today. you have one too!
Off to the store to get some zucchini so I can make minestrone for dinner.


  1. So thing ya know we'll be seeing him in a calandar full of sexy guys! haha

  2. I sure hope not son all oiled up is not the dream I have for him...hahahah.
