Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bounty from the Garden

We're having a good year with our far. Pests are down and production is up. Thank goodness we've gotten rid of most of the icicle radishes and nary a turnip to be found. I couldn't stomach another round of mashed turnip people, I gave it the old college, I just COULDN'T! I grew those white gourds because I saw the cutest Halloween idea where you make them into ghosts. We've harvested tons of peas, squash and carrots. I'm trying to take out carrots as we go along because last year we ended up with about 14 lbs of carrots all at once and I know there will be more this year. The corn is looking pretty good too. The tomatoes which volunteered from see are doing okay and in another week I'll probably pick some...we also had volunteer bell peppers. Travis saved some seeds from dinner one night last year and they blew all over the garden during planting. The tomatoes from seed are now bigger than the two plants I bought from the store in June!!! Finding that snow peas are bitter compared to my SUPER SWEET SNAP PEAS, but they grow much more abundantly than my snaps. All things considered we're enjoying it all. Spinach and lettuce to! All the chard was eaten by the darn bunnies while we were away on vacation and it didn't regenerate like the lettuce and spinach. The best part about this years garden is that Travis built an irrigation drip system out of PVC pipe and watering is a cynch!
At the end of third grade in May Jakob was given a cabbage to grow and be entered into Bonnie's $1,000 college scholarship program. There's no garauntees but we thought why not grow the thing. It spent a couple of wilty weeks indoors before it warmed up enough to plant it in the garden. Once it was in, boy did it grow, and grow and grow. I think we'll be enterin' this here lovely in the state fair, now I just have to find room in my fridge until then.
Here's Jakob with the royal cabbage. We weighed it! It weighs close to 15 lbs!


  1. Fabulous garden! I thought those white things were a type of summer squash? Maybe I am wrong. Fun idea, though. Have you ever seen fairy tale pumpkins? They were sold in Oregon, and look really cool. I saved seeds and gave them to friends who grew some (we've been too transient to have any success).

  2. This is awesome! Did you enter it?

  3. Totally awesome!!! Gardening is such a great gift to your kids.
