I suck at blogging. Too many doctor's appointments and the dh is out of town for the week AGAIN! Sorry. I have completed things but can't find the time to take pics and post.
I had to take Jakob to the doc today because his hands are CRACKING and bleeding... she informed me that it's the antibacterial soap at the school and now I have to take special soap to school for him to use, and he has to put special lotion on so they'll heal.
I had to take Tessa to the doctor today because she STABBED herself in the finger with a knife while trying to cut a piece of cheese, "Because, mom, I'm almost five and I can do it!" She's fine...no stitches...I just have to listen to her crying and bellyaching about how MUCH it HURTS. Maybe someday my kiddos will listen.
I have to take Aaron for his well child check tomorrow. He's mostly good but has some kind of funky toenail thing going on. Don't tell his future wife.
I won't even go into the deets on my wonderful dentist appt today that I went to FOR NOTHING. I just need to go to bed. PLUS I'm at that SUCKY stage of pregnancy when your clothes are getting TOO tight but maternity clothes just look ridiculous. Can I get a break here.
Read some good books lately.
READ you must...
Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindberg This book, although written YEARS ago is SO pertinent to our lives as women and mother's in this day and age. Wow, blown away.
I also read a book called Rice Mother that I pick up for 25cents at the thrift store. Made me SO thankful for my easy life. Very sad and interesting to read about the Japanese occupation in Malaysia. It is fiction though.
Read the Maximum Ride Series (YA) by James Patterson. I just need to get the fourth book now that it's out. They go fast and they've got a different slant to them.
I also read Ink Heart and Ink Spell (YA). I really like the story line about reading characters out of books, but was bummed because I didn't know there is going to be a third book that I have to wait for. Ugh!
Oh, and then I read this book called Sanctuary that someone gave me...umm I'm not recommending it because well it's a bit tiresome and bland. Okay though.