February 3, Day 22
I love to bake! These are some of my favorite cookies, Andes Creme de Menth. Yummy. I don't know how I'm ever gonna lose that 20 lbs!

February 4, Day 23: When we got DSL for our home computer, I never could have imagined the changes it would bring into my life. I have met some pretty wonderful women online...one of which I'll be meeting in person next week! YESSSS! Not to mention great recipes sites. I love the www world.

February 5, Day 24: Tessa had to do a project for the 100th day of school. We came up with this really cool idea to make flowers out of 10 beads each, I thought it came out pretty great until later that night when I reread the instructions!!!!! We were supposed to make 10 rows of 10 things and they had to be labeled 1-100. Darn creativity to heck!

February 6, Day 25: Lunch on the go...whenever I have to "go to town" I usually spend the whole day there running errands and it's usually a sure bet I'll be eating something in the driver's seat of my minivan. (What has happened to Taco Bell tacos? When I was a kid they used to be chalk full of stuff!)

February 7, Day 26: Every other week or so I have to fill up the old gas guzzler; 24 miles to the gallon doesn't get you very far. When gas was up it took at least $50.00 to fill'er up, now, thankfully it's around $30.00-$35.00. We paid $1.79/gallon today.

Have a great day!