What you'll need to get started for 1 Nativity
2- Mini Clay Pots (Packs of 6 for 99 cents)
1- 1 11/16" x 5/8" Wooden "Boy Pieces" ($1.47 for 5)
2- 1/4" x 1 3/16" Wooden Ball Knobs ($1.47 for 4)
Skin Tone Acrylic Paint
Black Acrylic Paint for eyes
Various Acrylic Paint Colors depending on you preferances
3- 5" circles of fabric again depending on your preferances ( I buy 1/4 yard of each color= 32 or more fabric circles)
Spanish Moss or staw
1- Mini Clay Pot Saucer
Total Cost for 1 Nativity Under a dollar if you get your supplies 1/2 off at your crafting center
Begin by painting your pieces skin tone
Next Paint your pots their base color: I chose a tan color for Mary and only painted the rim a rust color for Joseph
and Joseph's like this
Mary's Headdress: Fold 1/3 of the fabric down
Attach to the top of her head with hot glue making sure the back of the circle of fabric is even with the bottom of the pot
Press the fabric forward like so
Josheph's Headdress: Fold 1/3 of the fabric circle down
Hot glue the fabric to his head
Push the back sides of the fabric forward around his neck and glue to the inside of neck
secure the knot to the nape of his neck with hot glue
Fold the bottom half of the fabric up over the baby
Fold the right side straight down to create a triangle
Repeat on the left side
Isn't it sweet?
Option: to finish the nativity you can add a bed of straw or spanish moss to a mini clay saucer (I was unable to find any at the local HL recently) for a manger. Have fun making these and I'd love to see them if you use this tutorial. Have a great day!
Linkin' up to Li'l Luna's Linky Partay #7