This is what Tess' room used to look like. I think she was posing for her dad or maybe she just hated her room...haahaha. My mom made those curtains but sadly they got sun faded :(...and they wouldn't fit on her new window anyway.

Here we are starting the process of removing everything. The walls are wallpaper board that had strips inbetween each board that had to be pulled off. Then we had to tape over each seam and sand and mud and sand...you get the idea. We then hooked up the handy dandy texture bucket to the air compressor and began to spray texture on the walls.

You hve to cover EVERYTHING!

In the meantime. I sanded off the handpainted flowers and dragonflies on her bedroom set (it was given to us by a wonderful woman at church and I was sad to see the designs go know that she paintd them BUT...).

Definitely needed some freshning up. I painted all of the furniture "Swiss Almond".

Here's the foot board before sanding.

All painted in my kitchen, because it's freezing OUT THERE! I used foam rollers and the paint goes on like buttah.

Let the painting begin. I choose this rich pink color by Valspar (thanks Lowe's for the coupon)

Decisions, decisions, I really didn't want to paint the room two colors after having done the boys room, BUT one gallon wasn't going to cut it on bare drywall, even on primed drywall. Luckily, I had this gallon of "Softened Green" by DutchBoy in the shed (used to be the color of our bathroom). It went together very nicely.

Painting is almost complete...touch ups on trim...used to be brown. Tessa loves her new curtains.

Bed is put back together and bookshelf is in place.
Here's the dresser before:
I painted it 10 years ago when Travis and I were just married.

And the after: See what a fresh coat of paint can do!!! I would like to get some fancy knobs for her to enjoy. I also painted the frame on the crossstich Rustoleum's Heirloom White, it used to be brown.

Here's the toybox her daddy made her with her doll house and Littlese Pet Shop playhouses. I painted the frame on the vintage "ABC" poster as well (thanks for that Mama) you can see how it looked originally in the "before" picture.

Still need to do something with the desk...but I'm all tuckered out. Tess is a crafter like her mom so we need storage!

A bit of paint and some major elbow grease has made for one HAPPY little girl. I'm sure many beautiful memories will be made in this room.
Linkin' up to
Li'l Luna's Linky Partay #7