Here we are. Natalie got this grand idea for us to make a frienship quilt...all of us who are still in touch that is. That means we'll have 10 squares and probably have to put in two plain ones somewhere to make a nice lap or hanging quilt. I am not a person who sews...much. Why did I agree to this craziness. We're supposed to make a square that represents us in some fashion. Shalini loves black and white and she's going to use pieces of her lab coat and it's buttons for her square.

Funniest thing while we were there...Nat has three daugters and a little baby boy. LOTS of GIRL TOYS. Jonah was able to find a Ken doll and a barbie car in all of that! I think it's amazing how boys are JUST BOYS! They gravitate towards things they feel are manly.

Lanette and Natalie working out Netty's square.

Here's my idea for my square. A flower to represent each person in my family. Black and white for Trav, orange for me, denim for Jakob, green for Aaron, pink for Tessa, and aqua for Jonah. Applique all the way baby!