She retired last year and was enjoying some well deserved relaxation time with her husband. We joked about all the projects she had to do that kept her from actually relaxing :).
Soon after though, they found a tumor in her brain and it was massive. It had to be operated on immediately. When I heard that news my heart just hurt in a way that it hasn't in a long time. The operation was performed and things seemed okay. Afterward, she was still her cheery self but her speech was sometimes incoherent. When we would visit it wasn't uncommon for her to repeat herself many times but she had an indomitable spirit and never stopped enjoying life.
Unfortunately, the tumor regrew and spread deeply into her brain. Recently Karen fell into a coma and this morning she left us to return home.
Working alongside Ms. Karen was something I will never forget. She made me want to be a better version of myself. I know she'll do that for those on the other side as well.
(I'm so grateful to have scrapbooked this picture of the two of us).