We had so much fun camping this past weekend. The wilderness was beautiful and we went on a pretty good hike (for a woman who is 9 months pregnant anyway). It did rain quite a bit, but I love cooler weather so other than the fact that our game of Rage was rained out I was elated with the overcast nature of the outdoors. I have decided we need a bigger tent though. Something that I might be able to stand up in instead of lying on my air matress huffing and puffing away while trying to change my clothes. Thank goodness the only witness was my dh who thought it was quite comical. I thought it was pretty comical when I saw my husband feed Lacey's husband a cracker while he was working on his pop up trailer. They are definitely TOO CLOSE! Heehee. Spending time with good friends is always so restorative to me. I count them as my family, and would do anything for them. Hopefully, as the years pass our children will feel the same about eachother.
First row of pics all the beautiful wilderness
Jakob, Tessa and Aaron when we first arrived, our husbands GOOFING off, Joses explaining to Kenny the art of riding a bike, Aaron and Kenny having a blast with a flashlight
Jamuson's perfect marshmallow, our three boys, Aaron and MarleyRae taking a walk, thumb and arm wrestling in the back of the car,
The dh's for a nipply little picture, us gals (man, I'm huge), a cool old gas tank, a very NOT shy deer we saw on our way to go fishing
I thought it would be cute to post these pictures for comparison Michelle and Lacey.
That's Taylor, Jamuson and Jakob left to right.
And here we have Taylor, Jakob and Jamuson almost eight years later. Can you believe it?