It's an oldie but a goodie. I really like this lo and I think I will use it again today. Orange just makes me happy. We've had chilly weather in the mornings but then it warms up quite nicely. I think I will take a walk with the kiddos in just a bit...maybe get things moving. Take care and have a great day.
I love your combination of red, orange, and pink. Did you use glitter for the seeds? It's a cute layout and card!
I LOOOOOOOVE orange too! In fact I am sitting here in my orange shirt, white capris and orange floral shoes! Yup. I have shoes that go with one or two outfits is all.
GIRL.......I seriously can't believe that you haven't had that baby yet. Maybe he's going to pull a come on his due date diddy like my Aaron did.
Well, hang in there sister. Praying for a speedy delivery.
Great color!! i love this!!
hang in there, you are almost there!! thinking of you!!!
I can't believe you were at Costco shopping yesterday! You need to save your energy for the big day! It will be here very soon.
Beautiful colours! Red goes so well with orange!
You take it easy now...we don't want to read in the papers that baba arrived in the Costco perishable dept~ heehee!
Hugs! (thinking of you lots)
Crossing my fingers for you! Yeah make more cards maybe that will help. Actually Maybe you should make a lot of plans so you'll have to break them.
Okay sister...no post today. Does that mean that Mr. Jonah is here? Oh I'm just dying to know. I hope he is and that all went well. I'm truly praying for you and the little one!
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