We rang in the New Year at home, surrounded by our munchkins who stayed up later than I did as I wasn't feeling very well. We enjoyed Shirley Temples (a family tradition since I was a child) and dad's homemade nacho sauce. He really knows how to work with processed cheese ;).
Mostly, Trav and the kids played Skylanders. It's been pretty huge around our house since someone secretly bought it for our children even though mom said no and really dislikes console games because they're such time wasters...I mean come on...you could've learned to basket weave in the time it takes to beat a few levels, BUT I digress...I was an enjoyable evening.
My marriage ROCKS, seriously :).

The next day Travis' brother and his family arrived here from California (it was their second day and they actually came from Arizona that day) on their way to Virginia. A BIG move for their sweet family.

Sterling is holding his own in the losing hair department despite the fact that he's 5 years Travis' junior. This picture was his idea...for posterity you know.

The girls were so excited that it snowed being from CA and all. They really wanted to make snow angels but it's been so dry here all summer that there's no ground cover so they would be more like mud angels.

She is such a sweet little girl! She came right to me although we've never met until that night. Awww.

Cousins RULE!

There's my snuggler, doin' his thing. Can't wait to get some of these printed and scrapped.
Hope you're enjoying your family and fun times.