Hey all this will be my last post for a little while. Jonah has been really sick and I've just been trying to keep up without going bonkers. He has a lung infection which was diagnosed yesterday after I took him in for a second opinion. He'll be taking some antibiotics and breathing treatments to get his lungs cleared out. Just so you know, last night was a dream compared to the last two and a half weeks of sleeplessness. He was actually restful and I didn't have to suction out any nastiness just so he could breath. I felt pretty good this morning but I need to play catch up... I've pretty much been a zombie around here.
And finally, here's a card I made for a lady in my ward. She's really sweet. I wish I wouldn't have added the present to the image but oh well. I used the new in colors to color the image.

good thinkin taking him in for 2nd opinion. Hope the meds work fast
Good for you taking him in for a second opinion. That's so tough- especially when they are sooo little. Asher has had a runny nose this week that he passed on to me, my husband and now Kaden. Lucky for us it is a short cold- only a few days with one really bad day. We'll send some prayers your way.
Oh, I'm sorry to read this! I hope your little boy feel much better really soon so you and he can get some rest. Have they checked if he has reflux?? I was going nuts with Audrey in the beggining before I found out that was reflux that was causing her stuffy nose and a lot of secretion all the time. It can also cause caughing. I just tought I share because it took me so long to find out! I hope it's only an infection and it will not come back! Good luck with it all!
awww, poor jonah....and poor you. i'll pray that he continues to get better. hang in there. love ya!
I'm so glad the problem is getting fixed now though.
I really like the quality of your coloring on the image. Such a cute card.
Love your card! Hope he gets better soon! I had to do breathing treatments for my youngest! Suggestion, if you have the machine permantelt, use it each time he gets the sniffles after this cuz it sure helped!!!! I avoided trips to the doctors! Hope you get some sleep soon
I am so glad you got that second opinion and I sure hope the little guy feels better soon!! Big hugs to you!!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
You know I'm praying for your little man. Hang in there my friend.
So glad he's getting what he needs and will be on his way to recovery!
That poor little one!!!! Hope he gets well real soon!!!
Love your card! Super cute.
I'm a smidge behind on my blurfin'...hope your little guy is doing beh-tah. Sweet card!
I am so sorry things have been tough lately...I'll pray for your little guy's healing & your sleeping :o)
Be strong...thinking of you!
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