Hope these posts are working and coming up on their own like I tried to set them up. We'll be back from camping by Sunday. Take care and have a great day!
So, we got to go on a real live date tonight. We went to eat at this amazing cafe. The food is so good there and Travis loved it all. We were going to see a movie, but I just couldn't fathom sitting through 2 hours and 40 minutes of Batman when my body just wants it's bed...so we went to Home Depot instead and tried to pick out some landscaping rock for the front. I also got myself a stylin' new pair of gardening gloves since my last pair is spent. Well, I'm off to finish my Sunday School lesson, take care and have a super night.
My dh has a work picnic today and so I've got to get ready and head out to that and I was planning on actually using my 40% off coupon at Hobby Lobby today.
This feeds my family of five and THEN SOME.
RECIPE: Easy peasy in the crock pot. Put one stick of butter, four chicken breasts cut into bite sized pieces and two packets of Italian dressing mix (the dry mix to make your own Italian dressing, I used Good Seasons) in your crock pot on high for two to three hours (this is good to do while your at church). Meanwhile leave two 8oz packages of cream cheese ( I used reduced fat) on the counter to soften. After you see that chicken is cooked OR when you get home, remove the chicken from the crock pot and add in the cream cheese and two cans of cream of chicken soup. Stir 'til smooth. Add chicken back in and cook for however long you want to on low or for and hour or two on high. Serve over rice and I SWEAR no one will be disappointed. Great for gatherings or as a comfort food. This is one of my husbands and kids favorites, not one little piece of rice is left on their plates.