Yesterday, I finally made it to take the hospital tour. It's been over three years since I had Aaron and I really did need a refresher, plus, the hospital has been through some remodeling. I'm glad I went because I feel more confident about having me time with my baby right after he's born. She said that they should give us a good HOUR of bonding time before they even weigh him or do any of that other poking and proding. I was suprised by that, but happy because that's what I really wanted. I always thought they HAD to do all that stuff right away, but that's really not the case. I'm getting excited and scared...it hit me like a ton of bricks when I saw those little bundles in the nursery...I'm going to have one of those in a couple of weeks!!!! SHOCK, cry, gulp. The world stood still for a moment. AND although it's pretty late in the game I just might hire myself a doula...I've been debating it for a while...but the lady who gave the tour yesterday is a doula and she was amazing. Travis is a great help, but for my last child it would be nice to have the expert help of a doula...make the birth that much better.
Travis volunteered at the Bishop's storehouse yesterday and also picked us up some more quick oats and regular oats. I was looking at this index card of how many pounds of grains you need per person per year for your food storage and HOLY SMACKEREL-400lbs. Between the five of us, well you do the math. Where do I put it all? Right now I have the leaning tower of food storage boxes in my dining room next to my china cabinet...looks so stylish. UGH!
I hope you all have a wonderful Sabbath day and take care.
Your cards are so lovely! I was thinking about doing mine too because well after we don't have enough time for it all!
Time is going really fast. I cannot beleive in less then 3 months I will have another one too... and well I'm glad I'm not the only one to be a little scare about it! Have a wonderful day!
Awwww they are really cute hon, thanks for stopping by, I have been following your pregnancy through your blog and wish you and baby all the best, take care hon XXX
Oh and I had to gigle...
Misty / Kristy
Travis / Tracey (Ya know...both "T" names)
We were destined to be friends.
These are adorable! I love the lion and "tape"!
CUTE! They are just too cute! Everyone will love them and wonder where you had the time??? haha :) I've never made announcements for my girls.. sad I know but just never got around to it...
Wow! you are so organised...& the cards are amazingly cute.
It must have been quite an emotional visit you took to the hospital...goodness not long to go is it. I am really excited for you.
P.S I was a bit stumped about the food storage thing....do you know something I don't?
That is soooo cute!!!! I do love that tape.....great idea!!
I ADORE this card! Love that image--but EVERYTHING is super duper!
Adorable birth announcemnets! You take good care now! SO escited for you! Hugs, Deb
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