Stardust, Neil Gaiman
Book Club
My Grade: B
Super different from the movie it was based on, author tried to end tie up the story way too quickly, I wouldn't have minded 50 more pages if it would have explained things a little better
Savannah from Savannah, Denise Hildreth
Book Club
My Grade: B+
About an angst filled graduate determined to make her own way in the world not off of her beauty queen mother. Personally I thought it was a little boring
Breaking Dawn, Stephenie Meyer
For kicks and because I'm obsessed
My Grade: A-
Last book in the Twilight series. Missed the romantic tension between Bella and Edward that was present in the three prior books. Cool that Bella becomes the super heroine. Not my fav of the series, but I felt the same about the last book of Harry Potter. Not a super page turner for me like the others but enjoyable.
The Giver, Lois Lowry
My Book Club Pick
My Grade: A
Young adult and loved the way the author's "voice" read. Ending a little ambiguous but I will read Messenger soon.
Walkabout, James Vance Marshall
For kicks
My Grade: B-
Odd ending and talks A LOT about native birds of the Australian outback...so much so that I think it distracted from the tale at hand. I kept thinking, "is this a book about survival or a bird watchers book?" Overall an okay read
Tuck Everlasting, Natalie Babbitt
For kicks
My grade: B
What is it with these books and their endings. I wanted to know what Jesse thought, I wanted to see him meet up with Winnie again. Great symbolism with the toad, but not enough to push this story over the "B" range for me.
Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson
For kicks
My grade: A-
Good story about the horrors of a high school first year but a little hard to believe that EVERY friend would hate her so much for calling 911 on the party. Overkill on that part...loved the art teacher character...hated the parents. Overall a pretty good read.
Maximum Ride The Final Warning, James Patterson
Because I thought is WAS the LAST book in the series...NOT!
My Grade: D
Don't even bother reading this book, what a waste of time! Doesn't even fit in with the series, no character development...save the planet...oh please...when did this series become a political action committee on the environment. UGH! ( I take care of the planet, but this book was like a bait and switch). HORRIBLE. I do, however, recommend the first book, Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, for young readers. It's a great story line. Even the second and third are pretty okay.
The Tiger Rising, Kate DiCamillo
For Kicks
My Grade: A
A sad story but a decent read. I really felt for the children in this book.
Book Club
My Grade: B
Super different from the movie it was based on, author tried to end tie up the story way too quickly, I wouldn't have minded 50 more pages if it would have explained things a little better
Savannah from Savannah, Denise Hildreth
Book Club
My Grade: B+
About an angst filled graduate determined to make her own way in the world not off of her beauty queen mother. Personally I thought it was a little boring
Breaking Dawn, Stephenie Meyer
For kicks and because I'm obsessed
My Grade: A-
Last book in the Twilight series. Missed the romantic tension between Bella and Edward that was present in the three prior books. Cool that Bella becomes the super heroine. Not my fav of the series, but I felt the same about the last book of Harry Potter. Not a super page turner for me like the others but enjoyable.
The Giver, Lois Lowry
My Book Club Pick
My Grade: A
Young adult and loved the way the author's "voice" read. Ending a little ambiguous but I will read Messenger soon.
Walkabout, James Vance Marshall
For kicks
My Grade: B-
Odd ending and talks A LOT about native birds of the Australian outback...so much so that I think it distracted from the tale at hand. I kept thinking, "is this a book about survival or a bird watchers book?" Overall an okay read
Tuck Everlasting, Natalie Babbitt
For kicks
My grade: B
What is it with these books and their endings. I wanted to know what Jesse thought, I wanted to see him meet up with Winnie again. Great symbolism with the toad, but not enough to push this story over the "B" range for me.
Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson
For kicks
My grade: A-
Good story about the horrors of a high school first year but a little hard to believe that EVERY friend would hate her so much for calling 911 on the party. Overkill on that part...loved the art teacher character...hated the parents. Overall a pretty good read.
Maximum Ride The Final Warning, James Patterson
Because I thought is WAS the LAST book in the series...NOT!
My Grade: D
Don't even bother reading this book, what a waste of time! Doesn't even fit in with the series, no character development...save the planet...oh please...when did this series become a political action committee on the environment. UGH! ( I take care of the planet, but this book was like a bait and switch). HORRIBLE. I do, however, recommend the first book, Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, for young readers. It's a great story line. Even the second and third are pretty okay.
The Tiger Rising, Kate DiCamillo
For Kicks
My Grade: A
A sad story but a decent read. I really felt for the children in this book.
WOW!!! How awesome, and what great happy mail - whoohoo! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
Oh girl....you're too funny. I only wish we lived closer as well. In fact I was sitting there today trying to concoct a way to swing a trip to Albuquerque. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to the hot air balloon festival, and what I wouldn't do to have lunch with you and the little Mr. Buck when he arrives. Maybe one of these first months I could swing it with hubby for a quick weekend. One of his best friends from Germany lives there and of course our favorite ever bishop and his family and well, *I* would be going to meet you!!!! :0)
So I'm definitely going to have to read one of the books on your list. I finished Breaking Dawn last week and have been wondering what I will read now.
Okay, too funny about you being a "country gal". I guess you're a little more main stream than even we are. HA HA! Cause YOU my dear have your Wal-Mart. Now give us a few more months and ours will be done. But for now, we've got Smiths, McDonalds, SUBWAY and a spattering of other tiny stores and one gas station that thinks they need to rape each and every customer for their sodas. And they can do it cause they are the only ones! We too are a 15 min. drive from the "city". LOL! Oh and yes...our weeds are outta control! Too funny!
I ADORE your birth announcements. Seriously. They are just adorable. And that tape IS perfect for them. I'm glad I thought to rip some off for you. I had to use some for an assignment at CreativeXpress and haven't used it since. LOL!
Man, you're making me shake in my boots about the food storage thing. We've SO got to get on the gear about that. But you're right...where do you put it all? My garage is overflowing with bottled water.
I'm so excited and somewhat jealous of you getting to birth that baby. What an incredible experience. There is just nothing quite like it on earth! Our best was in Germany...not knowing what labor was like since I was induced with the first two, getting to the hospital in the nick of time - fully dialated and giving birth 20 min. later! I loved that everything was done in the birthing room, including Tracey being able to give lil' Tess her first bath in the sink while I watched. It was amazing. Now trying to keep her by me so that the nurses couldn't swipe her to give her a bottle of tea was a different matter....but it's something to laugh about now! HA HA!
I say if you haven't done the au natural thing before and you want to, it is most definitely an amazing experience. 2 of our 5 were without drugs and there's nothing quite like it. However, there is also nothing quite like being able to lay back and relax while giving birth as well. Awwww....baby! Can't wait to see him!
Oops! Sorry about the novel! LOL!
Wow! what a great RAK! I must say that is one thing I have found out about scrappers world wide...that they are unbelievably generous & sweet & friendly & great to get to know.
You were just blessed out of your socks girl!! (& you deserve it!)
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