So we went out last night and had a great time. We had dinner at Zea's (their Mediterranean humus is the bomb) and Italian ices at Pop Pop's, so yummy. Alas, we were unable to convince Michelle to stay here in New Mexico, darn it. She's headed to the sunshine state and there's no stopping her. Oh well, I guess that gives us a great excuse to finally go to Disney World...they'll be only a hop, skip and a jump from Mickey and the gang.
So in honor of her leaving us behind I created this gorgeous card that I'm very happy with.
Have a great day!

Stamps: Inkadinkado
Inks: Fired Brick, River Rock, Old Olive, Mellow Moss
Paper: Basic Grey Scarlett's Letter
Ribbon: Big Lots
Seriously...how in the world do you find the time. You do realize you have four kids and a husband to take care of, right?
You have always been so creative. I still have a picture you did of my initials in high school, way back when :)
This is stunning!
Sounds like a wonderful evening!! Sure is a gorgeous card!!
Great you all had fun, I love hummus! Gorgeous card! Deb
this card is gorgeous!!
OMGosh Misty!!! This card is absolutely STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!
you should be thrilled with it. It's positively amazing.
Pssst...take me with you when you go to Disneyworld! ;0)
Hug that baby for me!
simply GORGEOUS!
What a lovely card, Misty! I love all the colors you used, and the pop-up butterfly is way too cute! I hope you're having a great day!
Wow! I love the 4 pieces you used...it is so creative.
But I have to ask what you secret is... how did you manage to go out? Babysitters, family? We have but one littley & without family living here anymore, babysitters are non-existent, therefore not much going out happens. Please tell me you didn't have all your brood with you??? If you did, you are now officially Mama of the week. :o)
STUNNING! Simply stunning! I love it!
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