Jonah went to the Dr. yesterday. He now weighs an astounding 10lbs. 5oz. and measures at 23 inches long. He'll be four weeks old tomorrow. It's already going way too fast.
I'll try to post the after shots...when things are more respectable.He was up practically all night last night I think he has caught his brother's cold. Ugh. I'm wiped out but my dh stayed home today (without me asking I might add) and has been so awesome. I love that guy. The babe is finally asleep and I'm going to keep tackling this's taking me forever to get organized and to cull out stuff I no longer want or need.

Here's a during shot.
There once was a movie with Ed Beagley Jr? in it and he was a vacuum salesman. I don't remember anything about the movie but the part were he goes to a farmhouse and it's a disaster, just a mess. He shows them what the vacuum does, turns it on and the room turns to a shiny clean organized beautiful room. I think about that vacuum when I feel that I can't get it all done and think "If we sent someone to the moon why can we not make that vacuum. Oh wait maybe we were too busy making Viagra.:( Lol. (Wait maybe in many years to come I'll be happy that pill got invented? Hmm something to think about) Anyway have fun with all
HA HA at vanillabeans comment!
I love your space! It looks so cozy! Mine has been taken over by my Maddi girl that is sewing her little heart out. She's decided to make all of the "Lee" grandkids matching PJ bottoms for Christmas. Guess I can say goodbye to scrapping for awhile. ;)
seriously though...I think a clean stamping area is the sign of a sick should see my place...although I could use one of those vacuum cleaners {ala vanillabean}!
It look like my stamping room most of the time... I'm cleaning it before to start a new project go figure!
I hope you little boy will get better soon and you will be able to have a good night of sleep!
Hey.. this looks familiar, kind of like my office! yay for messy work spaces..
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