Oh, this little boy steals my heart! Aaron turned six on the 18th of March and he was SO EXCITED! He's been taking Jazz dance classes with Tessa and loving it. He also started T-ball a few weeks ago. He's going to be on the Cubs with his good buddy Ben.

He requested a "Worms and Dirt" cake and helped me "write" his name with the gummy worms. (I'm a paper crafter not a cake maker :( hence the cake in a pan). He's holding the special birthday plate in the above picture. Each of our kiddos gets to eat their piece of cake from that plate. It's a little tradition we started when Jakob was around two.

Aaron has excelled in kindergarten. He started out a little rough and has come a long way to be in the top reading group. He likes to complain at home that he "can't read the big words" but every time he tries he amazes me. It seems to come more easily to him over time.

He requested hot dogs and hamburgers for his birthday dinner. Travis grilled them and we ate them with avacado and all the condiments a kid could ever want.

Seriously, he's a character. I like to call him my "little leprachaun" because he's so michievious. He recently lost his wallet which had over $20.00 of allowance in it. He said he looked everywhere and he pretty much gave up. Not really TOO upset (don't think he understands money yet) but he was sad. The other day Aaron told me that he hopes the Easter Bunny will bring him an "Easter Wallet" because he misses his. Sheesh. A couple of days ago I found his wallet under my craft table so maybe that bunny will be able to fulfill his wish.

He got an MP3 player along with a shirt that had been on clearance at WM that included these fun headphones. He also got a Bakugan to play with Jakob. Aaron is a charmer and a super good snuggler. He is also adept at NOT cleaning his room...he's pretty good and hiding things so I that I THINK he's done a good job. He's got a ton of energy and really enjoys jumping on the trampoline. He's always hanging around Jakob and Tessa trying to do what they do. He LOVES to draw and seems to have a real eye for things. It's nice to see him becoming his own little person doing things that he likes. Happy birthday to Aaron!