Here's where we started, back in 2011 when I purchased this bad boy from craigslist for $80.00. Well, it was $100, but we I talked him down. ;). And this is the way things stayed, for a long time. I've wanted to paint this darn cabinet for ages and I finally did it! 

Here's how the process went.
Remove retro chunky wood from front door panels. (We tried a pry bar first but that was digging into the outer frame. Next, I tried a chisel and that did the trick)
Ahhhh, already so much better.
I primed, two coats...ugh and DOUBLE ugh with these doors and the glass shelf holders
And then I painted...two coats. Not so bad on the lower part. That upper cabinet is a beast.
Next I had to decide if I wanted Earthy Gray or Heirloom White wall paper panels on the doors. I used a paintable wall paper from Lowe's. It comes in a roll and I cut it to size with and x-acto and a straight edge.
The gray won my heart. MMMMMM MMM YUM!
I painted the interior of the upper cabinet the same gray. Now, it's all put back together now and oh so handsome.
Time to finish up this room and get some window treatments now that my lovelies are all in school. Hope you enjoyed this makeover. I love the finished product. The process is getting easier too.
Painting the bookshelf next ;)
Here is the shelf with the interior lights on at night.
Before and After
PS if you love this kind of stuff you should visit the BETTER AFTER blog. Tons of inspiration.