I began my lesson by talking to the students about realistic versus representational art. I spoke with them about the art of illustration and what books might be like if there were no pictures.
After showing them images of Catherine Rayner's work I told them we were going to create a representational painting of a bunny using two different values of watercolors.
I had the students follow me as I directed them in drawing their bunnies with pencil.
The first graders learned about VALUES of a color. They used lighter shade of brown and a darker shade of brown to paint their bunnies. I used Blick liquid watercolors to create the two different shades they used. They used a number 8 round brush to paint their drawings. Finally, they added some details with sharpie (some went a bit overboard). :)
This lesson was based off the illustrations of Catherine Rayner who is an amazing illustrator.
This one looks so much like a llama!
I was VERY inspired by this lesson from MAKE