I'm so very happy to announce that I made the practical scrappers top five!
There's no voting this round as the design team will be choosing the winner but I just have to say that it has been a super fun ride.
A special thanks to Christine who ran the show and a special, special
thanks to all those who cast a vote in my favor.
I am in the running with two dear ladies who I adore. I love that I have such talented friends.
wow those flowers are so totally gorgeous..
What a beautiful card!
I love this card - simply gorgeous! I have voted for your cards in each round :-) Good luck....
I love this card - simply gorgeous! I have voted for your cards in each round :-) Good luck....
Congrats on your win, this card is out of this world gorgeous!!
Such a pretty card! So many elements I like about this card. The orange flowers, the white stamping the flag/tags on the side. Gorgeous my dear!
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