His eyes will probably be blue like his brothers'. Hard to tell right now. Yesterday was a toughy. He was so grouchy and wanted to nurse all day! OUCH!. Look at that chin. It's hard to get good newborn pictures. I'm going to try to do some with a black background soon. It's almost dinner time which means Jonah will be waking up so I can feed him while everyone else eats. Smiles. Take care everyone. I will try to get back to visiting and commenting on your blogs soon. Hugs!
Oh baby. I can almost smell him from here. What a sweet lil' peanut for sure. I just love, love, love new ones cause they are all puffy and wrinkly. **sigh** Enjoy it sister. It goes wayyyyyyyyyyy too fast and pretty soon you'll have a table climber like I've got. UGH.
Sooo adorable!! I miss having a little one! Enjoy!
He is sooooo cute and totally adorable, and oh, I want to hold him!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE babies, and he is just precious - thanks so much for sharing him with us!! I do know what you mean about always nursing, that was my daughter, never detached for long, lol! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
Awwwww!!!! Hug him for me!!!
He's too cute!!!
oh my goodness! Your baby boy is simply adorable! Congratulations to your whole family :)
What a cutie-patootie! Newborns are always so fun to watch. I can't wait to see more pics! HUGS!
Goodness he is CUTE! I love how he is focusing directly on you {& the camera}...only a few weeks old & already you already have him well trained....tough having a scrapbooking Mum hey!
The B&W one is adorable!!
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