Monday, January 18, 2010

Weigh in Monday:Week 3 begins

So, I didn't lose as much as I wanted. In fact I weighed a pound less last Thursday than I do today because of my awesome birthday and eating some yummy cake.
I'm down another 2.2 pounds from last week. It is still a down and not an up and for that I'm thankful. That means in two weeks I've lost a total of 6 lbs. and that's nothing to frown about. I'm going to try super hard this week to be good and to get some good work outs in. I know that's the key to shedding the big pounds. I've been using to track my calories and work outs.
I can definitely tell a differance in my body when I eat well and don't over eat. I feel fit and ready to take on the world. Wish me luck in the coming week and have a great day!
Here's a pic of me when I was at my thinnest in recent years. To get here I'll have to lose another 7lbs, but I won't be done yet!!!


Jenn Diercks said...

See I didn't leave you in the dust. Way to go on the Weight Loss! You are a lot closer to your goal than I am to mine. Here's to a fantastic week!

Diane said...

Congrats on your weight loss!
I lost 46 pounds in 18 months,losing it slowly is the best way to do it,it stays off that way. Lots of water,good sensible diet and exercises and you'll achieve your goal!!!
Good luck this week!!!